Baby Foley-Murphy

Thursday, April 03, 2008

after bragging about timely posts on st. pat's...

i'm having to reach back 2 weeks for easter shots - which capture not only one of grace's better outfits in history (although i'm not sure pictures do justice...) but also the recent visit we had from papa foley and grandma donna. easter was awesome.

looking very serious (freshly napped) with mom and grandpapa at the prospect park boathouse.

she's started reaching for EVERYTHING, btw.

and then acting all innocent when you tell her to knock it off.

btw - sneak preview of the baptismal gown, to be worn sunday may 25. we're still shaping up what we'll be doing as far as hosting and celebrating goes, but we'll be in touch. meanwhile: check out the third (?) generation gown:

as well as the first generation mohawk (a rarer and rarer thing these days. i can think of few collapses as monumental as the collapse of this hairdo. maybe the berlin wall, or communism. whatever. she looks like a totally different baby, is what i'm trying to say - proof to posted soon.)


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