Baby Foley-Murphy

Monday, March 05, 2007

It's a GIRL!!!

Today we had a sonogram to see how the baby is doing and to see if it was our son or daughter. Turns out she's a girl. And everything seems to be going very well. She's 13 oz. with a perfect heartbeat and apparently is very flexible (her toes were touching her nose for much of the sonogram).

I don't think I've mentioned this before in the blog, but our first sonogram about 10 weeks ago revealed that I had what is called placenta previa and complete previa at that. The placenta was covering the cervix, aka the exit, and would have made a natural birth impossible. This is very common in early pregnancy and many times corrects itself but in our case because it was complete previa the odds of it fixing itself were lower. But the good news today was that it is fixing itself and will only continue to get better as I get bigger, no more previa.

This has me VERY relieved. I had all kinds of fears of hemorage and bed rest on top of dealing with a C-section, which is not my first choice. Icy mornings have pretty much sent me into panic attacks about falling and creating a hemorage. So today I have gone from uber-paranoid to only moderately worried (dare I say a normal amount of worried?) that everything is going ok. The sonograms have really put me at ease, technology can be pretty great.


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