Baby Foley-Murphy

Sunday, September 30, 2007

First professional photo shoot

Grace was lucky enough to get her picture taken by good friend and expert photographer Maribeth Romslo (plug for Red Ribbon at just 3 weeks old. Here's just a brief sample of the results.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

6 weeks old and all is well

Grace had her 6 week well baby check up with the doctor yesterday and she's doing great. She's grown to 22 1/2 inches long and weighs 11 lbs. 3 oz. No wonder she's too long for all of her newborn sized onesies--she's almost 2 feet tall! Other than that she totally healthy and happier every day.

She's started to smile in response to John and I and has started to take more of an interest in some of her toys. So it seems that she's able to entertain herself a little more as she's starting to develop.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

changing table photo shoot.

john is wearing a shirt in less than 50% of the photos...?!

looking back at the entries over these last 5 weeks, the photos make is look like i'm constantly half nekkid around the house.
i guess that's coz i am - it's hot in here, people!
the tattoo kind of gives away the mirror action self portraiture. there were a lot more takes than these 2, but finally we got to something i think looks pretty great. i mean, i look a little crummy, but grace is incredible in both of these.