Baby Foley-Murphy

Monday, January 26, 2009

dad the grad

here's us at my commencement. there are not any photos of my actual walking across the stage, andrea was our only photog and also grace's only companion so... but afterwards we caught some good snaps.

2 1/2 years of too much to do, only made possible with the love and help and support of all of you, but most especially thanks to andrea who has done a LOT of single-mom-for-the-night situations, especially this last semester while i finished my thesis. not that i wasn't already forever grateful, but it just keeps running deeper. thanks so much babe. i. love. you.

then, this weekend, my folks and brother and people from all over time and space got together for dinner and dancing. the dancefloor was blazing and steamy so it was impossible to take photos. but here we are looking lovely at the end of the meal.
thanks to everybody that came out, we missed you to those that couldn't, i'm sorry to the ppl i was supposed to invite but got out-technologied / out-busied, and thanks double tons to every one for carrying me, carrying us, through these years of constant holy-smokeness. my diploma should have all yer names on it. (then maybe we could all be faced with the ego-wrestle of whether or not to hang our diploma in our office....)
seriously. love and gratitude from here to forever.


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