Baby Foley-Murphy

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


we realized we were tracking all these images on the blog (and yes, there are more to come) but not paying such close attention to developmental milestones. our last post along that lines was when she learned to walk. now she can run and almost jump (she's obsessed with learning to jump, which makes her a big fan of the elevator, her favorite place to practice). and what about words? here are her firsts:

a LONG time ago she said "mommy" first before anything, one day when she was sad andrea was leaving. this broke john's heart.
then she started saying da-da all the time, calling all people and especially john dada. this mended his heart. but andrea's heart was breaking. lately she says both a lot, and everyone's happy.
soon after that she started saying hi, and taking a crack at other repetitions: apple (papl), harper (her friend at daycare: parpr), bye bye, bottle (ba ba). and WOW.
certain obsessions have developed (have i mentioned obsession already in this post? i wonder where she gets that side of her personality?) - everything was a doggie, and then a duckie, and then baby.
lately she's not just putting up her arms to get picked up but actually saying "up."also, she says "uh oh" if something falls, and she shouts bubba when we blow bubbles from her dora dispenser.
and today in her first ever attempt at bilingual communication, she tried to copy her toy cell phone when it said "adios." ("adi. aa. ahhh. adeee. oh." or something like that).
it's pretty awesome. shes also just talking a ton, even when it's not words, i think she just likes the feel of talking or the sound of her voice (wonder where she got that?). it usually sounds like some variation of "jupudupadupajupadupa" in long strings with LOTS of inflection, tone, and emotion, like if she was actually participating in the conversation that's going on.
words words words. pictures to follow soon, computer trouble lately. i promise.


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