Baby Foley-Murphy

Saturday, April 12, 2008

grace's current favorite lullaby

something about this song totally knocks grace out. i'm not sure how much we should love that (it's nice to be able to induce a nap) and how much we should be very, very afraid (how will she ever stay awake thru a night on the town?)

in any case: enjoy. ps this is our first effort at getting music on the blog. pls hit up the comments if it doesn't work.


  • The music works for us. And your worries about her falling asleep to music and making it through a night on the town remind me of our concerns when you were a baby, John. We used to put you in the carseat and take you for a drive to knock you out. Thereafter, every time we took a drive - you were out. "What'll we do when he turns 16 and wants to drive on his own?" Only you can answer how that went, Buster!

    By Blogger Fortune Murphy, at 4:32 PM  

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