Baby Foley-Murphy

Sunday, June 29, 2008

seriously - 2 months have gone by since the last post?!

man. time is flying. grace was a wee, unbaptized 9 month old last time we posted. baptism photos to follow, but meanwhile here's some video on how she's been lately: dancing her butt off and swimming in style.

she turns one year old in a month! she has four top teeth and 2 bottom ones. her eyes are staying blue (it seems). the mohawk is gone - save one recent reappearance - but her hair still looks pretty awesome. everything about her is pretty awesome. for the record, and so you don't have to take my word for it: this is what she looks like (videos are a little grainy. these shots are pretty priceless).

sorry we've been kind of bummish about the updates. it turns out it's a lot of work raising a kid. who knew? if you're reading this, though, you're a friend of the fam (or part of the fam) and we know you understand. we miss you all and love you, and can't wait to see lots of you this summer!

i was starting to sound like that would be the last post for another 2 months there, for a second, so let me say it clearly - baptism photos super soon, updates from all our summer fun on the regular. promise.