Baby Foley-Murphy

Sunday, August 31, 2008

6 weeks later...

at long last, we're back!!!

dang. i make a LOT of fun of the blogosphere - political opinions, music reviews, works-in-progress, and open-book diaries all seem to be so "why should i care what you think"ish to me. we try at least to figure that you don't care so much what we think but might wonder what we're up to, and you're only on our blog coz you know us and love us. to us it's like a less impersonal mass email / public photo library.

gotta hand it to those other bloggers, man (and, btw, sorry if you ARE one and i've just painted you in broad strokes that don't completely capture the complexion of your genius): at the very least they know how to keep those things up to date. like 8 times a day! we can't even get a post up once a week - not even once a month! it ain't easy, ppl, but some of these folks really make it look like it is. gotta start taking notes.

anyway, in a true twist of irony i've just indulged my own thinking about popculture and this published post while making fun of ppl for publishing posts about their thoughts on pop culture etc. maybe there's a prize for that? in any case, i really just logged on to catch up. so here it is.

grace can walk. in fact, she ONLY walks now, no more crawling. that's been how it is for the last month or so. speaking of which she is now a year old. 13 months, actually, yesterday! she's working on words ("no" is a popular favorite) and trying hard to figure out how to jump. she continues to LOVE to dance, except now she can't stand to be held while you dance, it has to be her on her feet, working her hips and running in circles. it's pretty awesome.

she turned one in omaha earlier this summer, and this is my public request to anyone with photos to hook us up (laura), as we only have video and only very large video files that we can't post here. it was a great party, a great visit to omaha, and a great chance to connect grace with her family at large. we did catch a couple of photos of her on the move at the omaha zoo, dragging the rest of us around.

we also got up to campbell's a coupla times this summer. rested up and ready for another year. again, only a very few photos, but anne gedes can kiss my keister on these few that we have: her "baby-as-pumpkin" or "baby-as-sunflower" calendars ain't got nothin on this "sunset baby in hammock" series.

coming soon in our life: grace in the bikeseat (the tri bikes just got put back in action when our bldg super approved a parking spot for us in the hall. i've been biking to work every day for a month, now grace will start getting picked up from day care in the "co-pilot"!)
also, the "baby loves disco" parties start again next weekend. and, although there's not photo evidence just yet, she just got her first haircut by her mom and now has a set of bangs to go with her pigtails.
sorry to have lapsed, and preemptively sorry for whenever the next lapse is. we're trying to keep connected, and share our life, and what we love, and that's hard to balance with living our life and doing what we love! (and sleeping. and working. and going to school.) (and cooking dinner, cleaning, and occaisionally calling home.) (and watching reality tv marathons on bravo. let's be honest. no one does reality better than bravo.)
we'll leave you with this, speaking of things we love. grace, who has watched only 2 episodes of sesame street in her life, and both kind of by accident, absolutely LOVES this.
okay, love to all!
a, j, & g.