Baby Foley-Murphy

Friday, September 26, 2008

sometimes there's no pictures and you just write an update.

that counts as blogging, too, right?

so, we used THIS link to find out that if grace was sarah palin's baby instead of ours, her name would be Wrangler Tractor Palin. silly.

she's very excited to watch the debates tonight. she's been a big debater herself lately. a lot of chatter out here in brooklyn.

we won tickets to two (count em, two!) family fun type events this weekend, which is perfect timing coz there ain't much homework for john to do (next week's jewish holidays means no class!). we're off to a concert / night of ridiculousness at BAM tomorrow and then a concert by jose gonzalez on the gowanus canal "waterfront." (a post industrial icky space that's being redeveloped, a la the holiday inn on union, to those readers in the know). and all for free! i subscribe to one too many email newsletters by party promoters, and reply too often for their giveaways. i win a lot and then give away what i won tickets to. not this time! (also, we LOVE jose, so this is a big win).

last not least, a reunion on sunday with all the alumni of our baby class (see halloween photos for most recent get together). all the babies are one now. it's going to be kind of awesome. any photos we get we'll get up there.

speaking of: i've realized that maybe the secret to more entries is to not ALWAYS feel like there has to be a photo attached. we'll see. certainly, 6 days after the last one is pretty good, for me. so...


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