Baby Foley-Murphy

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the tongue

sometimes grace just pokes her tongue out. no particular reason. it's like her new thing.
also, she just loves to smile and laugh and get ppl to smile and laugh. which she usually does by smiling and laughing. it's basically perpetual awesomeness routine.


  • hey FoMus--holly here!
    so listen, i somehow don't have your email address anymore but i really wanted to write a note to you, so this really isn't a photo comment (but darn, that child is stinkin cute.)
    but so i'm taking a pathophysiology class in school (yup, still in school..seems like it will never end..). but so we're learning about leukemias and i went back and re-read your TnT blog to refresh on which you had, murph (and i was so relieved it wasn't non-hodgkins after learning more about it..)
    and it got me reading, and got me smiling and leaking a little, and got me just feeling thankful that you both (or rather, all three!) are around and doing well.
    i was reading your valentines day post, andrea, and it just grounded me so solidly, made me appreciate the gravity and priority of life and love and why we're here.
    you FoMu's are always so good for a mission moment...
    anyway, i just felt compelled to share that we miss you guys, love you guys, are thrilled that you've gotten the chance to expand your numbers to 3, and feel lucky to be know and be inspired by you.
    big hugs, health, and love to you,

    By Blogger Unknown, at 7:23 PM  

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