Baby Foley-Murphy

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Baby Class

The computer has been having some trouble so it has prevented more posting to the blog. It seems to be working right now so I'm going to try to get something up.

It has been HOT in NYC for the last couple of weeks and I seem already to be very prone to swelling. I have had very swollen feet, ankles, and hands every day. It is uncomfortable and it seems to be causing some carpal tunnel syndrome, particularly in my right hand. Holding onto anything-- writing utensils, eating utensils-- results in pain and numbness. I hope it goes away after pregnancy.

Other than that I am doing well. I am huge and waddling, which is starting to get in the way of maintaining our lifestyle. John is trying to fit in as many concerts as possible while it is even a little bit feasible--but I am not really hanging in there with that. It is an adjustment that we're having to make. It is sad to me that I have a hard time having fun doing things that we've always had fun sharing. But it is hard to get past being really uncomfortable in your own body and I feel vulnerable in big crowds that might not respect the belly.

We've had a couple of baby showers in the past couple of weeks and people are amazingly generous to us. We are feeling very well prepared, materially speaking. The main thing that we still need is diapering supplies and other than that I think that we're about set.

Non-materially speaking we're also working on getting prepared. We are taking a Childbirth class aka Baby Class that is very helpful in preparing us for the big birthing event. In addition to the very useful information that we're getting out of the class and the thinking and planning it is helping us to do, there are 6 couples all having their first baby at about the same time. So it has been good to connect with other people on a similar journey to parenthood as ourselves.


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