Baby Foley-Murphy

Thursday, July 26, 2007

More than a week late

So this is what she looked like last Wednesday. She's very comfortable where she is and still no sign that we're going to meet her and get a proper look at her anytime soon. In the meantime is is amazing that they can do this with sonogram technology.

We can't decide who she looks like except that the very chubby cheeks come from me. The expression of concentrated relaxation is all John.

Monday, July 23, 2007

About a week late

So here we are about a week after the due date and no sign that she's coming soon. The NYC triathlon was yesterday and I've had it in the back of my mind that she might come for that event. I was very likely to be participating in that athletic endurance event again if it weren't for finding out that the baby was on the way. So I've been losely equating the 2 in my mind and thought she might show up just in time for a triathlon birthday.

No such luck. Instead we got to go out to cheer for all of our friends and all the other amazing racers. That was nice too but at this point we're all anxious to meet this little girl. Not much else is going on other than waiting.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Still Waiting & Waiting

It is now 3 days past our due date of 7/17 and no sign that this baby is ready anytime soon. In some ways the pressure is off now that we've passed that deadline of the due date and I really don't have any expectations about when this will happen.

Last Sunday I thought that maybe we were starting something--not contractions but I was experiencing a lot of pressure and back pain. Turns out it was nothing.

This week we've had some test to check on how she is doing. First it was confirmed--with 100% certainty that she's a girl. Her current estimated weight is 8.5 lbs--give or take a 1/2 pound. She'll gain another 1/2 pound for each week she stays in. This is my biggest concern right now. It is still within the normal range but she's on the large side and I worry about getting her out.

She also has plenty of amniotic fluid and is very healthy and happy. So far this means that she can stay in until about 7/31 before we'll need to induce. I hope that she doesn't keep us waiting that long but mostly right now we're waiting on her to engage her head in the pelvis. She's head down but sort of curled up sideways in my belly. I'm trying yoga to help her along but no luck so far.

It has been good to have more information about what is going on in there but the coolest thing about these tests was that the technician was able to give us a 3D picture of her face from the sonogram. It is amazing. Its like having a window into the womb and we can't stop staring at this picture of this little person that we're so anxious to meet.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Ready & Waiting

So there's a bit of an evolution in photos. First fabulous and pregnant at the red carpet premiere of the Broadway show Frost Nixon. Then as the target in the pin the baby on the belly game at the shower thrown for us by friends. And finally the belly as of last week.
I've been very smug about not having stretch marks but that is something I can no longer claim. I've got the lovely star like thing going on as my belly piercing scar stretches as well as a row of marks on the underside of the belly. Those could have been there for a couple of months and I'm just now noticing. yuck, but that's what I get for being smug.
I've stopped work and everything for the baby is ready to go and now I am waiting to go into labor. It is 8 days until the due date and I really hope that I don't pass that. But I'm not in control, just waiting for nature to kick in.