Baby Foley-Murphy

Friday, July 20, 2007

Still Waiting & Waiting

It is now 3 days past our due date of 7/17 and no sign that this baby is ready anytime soon. In some ways the pressure is off now that we've passed that deadline of the due date and I really don't have any expectations about when this will happen.

Last Sunday I thought that maybe we were starting something--not contractions but I was experiencing a lot of pressure and back pain. Turns out it was nothing.

This week we've had some test to check on how she is doing. First it was confirmed--with 100% certainty that she's a girl. Her current estimated weight is 8.5 lbs--give or take a 1/2 pound. She'll gain another 1/2 pound for each week she stays in. This is my biggest concern right now. It is still within the normal range but she's on the large side and I worry about getting her out.

She also has plenty of amniotic fluid and is very healthy and happy. So far this means that she can stay in until about 7/31 before we'll need to induce. I hope that she doesn't keep us waiting that long but mostly right now we're waiting on her to engage her head in the pelvis. She's head down but sort of curled up sideways in my belly. I'm trying yoga to help her along but no luck so far.

It has been good to have more information about what is going on in there but the coolest thing about these tests was that the technician was able to give us a 3D picture of her face from the sonogram. It is amazing. Its like having a window into the womb and we can't stop staring at this picture of this little person that we're so anxious to meet.


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