Baby Foley-Murphy

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

the tongue

sometimes grace just pokes her tongue out. no particular reason. it's like her new thing.
also, she just loves to smile and laugh and get ppl to smile and laugh. which she usually does by smiling and laughing. it's basically perpetual awesomeness routine.

how big is grace?


we will get her to do this for hours, if she's willing. actually, usually she burns out after 5 minutes, but man, are those ever a grrrreat 5 minutes.
you should come hang out with some time and have a look fer yerself. call us.

OMG grace can crawl.

we are hardly childproofed, not even remotely near what's necessary bc this baby learned how to crawl like, seriously, overnight.

here she is in a play by play getting under her exersaucer to look for stray cheerios (she eats those now, btw), getting busted by our candid blogtographer, aka mommy, and then crawling over for a kiss.

amazing, grace.

old school carousel photo shoot

apparently, grace became a footloose and fancy free teen ager when we weren't looking. this is us celebrating her sweet 16 at this amazing merry go round in prospect park.

okay, so really she's only 9 months old today and this picture is weeks old, but could she possibly look more grown and sure of herself?! yikes.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

like mother like daugther.

john here. well, it seems my genetic contribution to this child has been limited exclusively to the categories of "height," "exceptional taste in music," and "hilarious-yet-charmingly-humble-about-it-ness." she is essentially andrea's twin in every other regard.

and i couldn't be happier about that!

grace's current favorite lullaby

something about this song totally knocks grace out. i'm not sure how much we should love that (it's nice to be able to induce a nap) and how much we should be very, very afraid (how will she ever stay awake thru a night on the town?)

in any case: enjoy. ps this is our first effort at getting music on the blog. pls hit up the comments if it doesn't work.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

the ending of an era

i almost titled this one "end of an "hair"-a to make up for the last post title. but that's just horrible, and kind of non sense. maybe i should start working for the ny post?

check out the photos yall: the mohawk is on its way out.

even when it shows up, its just an alfalfa most times.

and btw - how unbelievably cute can this kid GET?!


(corniest post title EVER. sorry sue.)

for andrea's birthday this year (last monday, 3/31), we had a surprise visit from susan (her great, great friend from forever ago right up until now and forever to go). the visit wasn't so much a surprise to grace or john, but andrea had no idea. which is the best kind of surprise.

even better, susan brought her youngest son, elliot, to party with grace. unbelievably, there are only like 10 pictures of the whole four day weekend, and only 3 or 4 that came out any kind of ok. here they are, in all their glory:

see you next time!! and thanks for a lovely visit.

after bragging about timely posts on st. pat's...

i'm having to reach back 2 weeks for easter shots - which capture not only one of grace's better outfits in history (although i'm not sure pictures do justice...) but also the recent visit we had from papa foley and grandma donna. easter was awesome.

looking very serious (freshly napped) with mom and grandpapa at the prospect park boathouse.

she's started reaching for EVERYTHING, btw.

and then acting all innocent when you tell her to knock it off.

btw - sneak preview of the baptismal gown, to be worn sunday may 25. we're still shaping up what we'll be doing as far as hosting and celebrating goes, but we'll be in touch. meanwhile: check out the third (?) generation gown:

as well as the first generation mohawk (a rarer and rarer thing these days. i can think of few collapses as monumental as the collapse of this hairdo. maybe the berlin wall, or communism. whatever. she looks like a totally different baby, is what i'm trying to say - proof to posted soon.)