Baby Foley-Murphy

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Grace's entrance... in a little more detail

Here are some photos of the first days at home...lots of sleeping, some kangaroo care with dad, and her first walk--she's changing already. I'll back up with details of her arrival first.
On Monday night we headed to the midwife to check in and to find out what the plan would be since she'd reached 42 weeks and it was time to get delivery happening. We were anticipating a conversation about induction, but since I was already dilating and her head still wasn't engaged the conversation quickly became one about a C-section. She should have descended at least a couple weeks before so the fact that she hadn't created the concern that she couldn't for some reason and that proceeding with a natural birth could be dangerous for both of us.
So from there we were sent over to the hospital and admitted by 6pm. By 8pm they were getting me preped for an epidural and surgery. By 8:58pm Grace was born weighing in at 8lbs. 4.5oz, 20 in long.
It was a huge change in our plan for her birth but I felt very supported by the hospital staff through it and it happening quickly prevented me from getting to nervous or upset about it. After the birth our wishes were certainly honored and supported. Grace was brought to me to feed while I was still in the recovery room and she was with me constantly in my room, which allowed us to get bonding and feeding going as quickly as possible.
So even though it didn't go as I had wanted I think that it went the best way that it could.
We came home on Thursday afternoon and the first night was tough (think lots of crying) but aside from that she has been a happy baby, mostly occupied by eating and sleeping.


  • John and Andrea you two are such wonderful, relaxed, thoughtful and studied-but-natural parents! And baby Grace (Gracie D.)is so sweet and alert and responsive (she takes after both of you already!). She is blessed to have you as parents, and has certainly Graced you in creating your new family! It was a joy to behold and to hold her, and to see the two of you so loving and gentle. Love and Happiness...Gramma Kippy

    By Blogger Fortune Murphy, at 9:10 AM  

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